Jesus said "GO, threfore, and make disciples of all the nations (help people learn of Me, believe in Me, and obey my words), baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:19-20 AMP).  

GO therefore... Therefore what?  Verse 18 tells us that Jesus had been given ALL authority in heanven AND on earth. Then He promises to be with us so that we can GO.  Go where?  To church? Yes... church is incredibly imporant and one of the places we should GO. Why? 

Church is where those of us who have either been blessed with the revelation of who Jesus is and had this rooted in our hearts and so we GO to worship Him who called us OR we those who are been wooed by Jesus into relationsip with Him.  We were not meant to be holy by ourselves in our living room.  Jesus did not die so that we could look in the mirror at how holy we are!  He told us to GO.  

At Youth for Christ, we GO. We GO into our community, the store, the school, park, gym, wherever we GO we bring the message of hope.  Not in man but in the One who sent us. 

Thank you for everyone who helps us GO!  

May the favor of God favor us all as we GO.